Korean girls vs. other Asian girls

Mr.someone has shared his experience about dating Korean girls:


All the Korean girls I’ve went out with (quite a few) were always really polite and respectful, they were always caring and expressed their affection, holding my arm and talking sweet etc.

I think Korean girls are one of the easiest girls to go out with if they really LIKE you…. i guess maybe getting them to like you that much might be harder for some people? or maybe it is just a Korean to Korean thing where they are nice like that.
some korean american girls have this strange idea that being a B**** means to be strong… but no being a B***** just means ur a B*****.  but that is more american culture than korean.
one time i got my drivers licence taken away for a while for going 140 mph. my korean gf at the time would come by every single day in the morning bringing cheer and a big smile and sometimes my favorite subway sandwich from my local subway establishment. she would drive us places and really just take me out and pay for gas and everything. for the whole time my license was taken from me.
another girl took me out once when i was sick for a while, she drove to the city (which is a big deal for most girls since its pretty tough for girls to drive in SF) and gave me her scarf to stay warm etc. etc. 
another ex korean gf and i ran into each other after 4 years of break up and not even talking or knowing anything about each other, we went to SUBWAY and talked and we talked about love and i said that love didnt really exist cuz it’ll always fade with time, and she mumbled under her breath that it’s been 4 years without even a word and she still loves me, and i was like what? and she was like lolz nothing, korean girls are very caring people!
in my expierence girls from HK generally are easier and more promiscuous than girls from korea, of course that is probably only 70% of the HK girls i’ve met the other 30% are not like that at all even if they are decently pretty.
japanese girls seem to crush a lot faster and a lot easier than others too.
and filipino girls seem to be more eager to rush into a serious relationship
i think these things are cuz of culture too. 
disclaimer: all generalizations based on my own experiences, not just on one but multiple counts, there is a chance that location plays a part in this however many of these girls have come internationally therefore it is doubtful.

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